08.02.07 - Dustin's Daily News (DDN) , RTE TWO Sheamus O'Shaunessy Vs Dustin The Turkey... Early in 2007 a slagging match broke out between Sheamus O'Shaunessy and Dustin The Turkey live in the DDN Show. Dustin called a press conference to announce his retirement from Wrestling after beating Kid Cash. SOS didn't want to pick up the Turkey's belt without earning it in the ring, so a war-of-words broke out! See a clip from the press conference in the National Stadium... GO...
St Patrick's Day 2006 - The Podge & Rodge Show, RTE TWO Leprechaun Wrestling... This is the hilarious Podge & Rodge comedy skit in which Sheamus O'Shaunessy and George McFly dressed up as giant Leprechauns and got into a spat over a stolen crock-of-gold. The dispute was settled with a traditional Leprechaun Wrestling match with a little help from two strapping colleens... GO...